Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Parable of the Man and the Cows

There was a man who bought a milking cow.
The farmer he had bought it from had let
Him milk the cow as often as he'd wanted,
And she produced more milk than any cow
He'd ever milked before. And so he bought
The cow, deciding he would rather have
It at his home instead of someplace else.
Perhaps he'd even get a bit more milk.

He bought the cow and brought it home and milked
It several times a day. It kept producing
The way it did before he bought it for
A year, but then it slowly, surely made
A little less, a little less, and less.
Before he knew it, the cow made a quart
A week, and sometimes would not give up that.
But, needing milk, he found another cow.

The first cow, out of anger, kicked her stall
And broke out, kicked the straw around until
Some straw ignited on the heater. She
Ran out, but everything within the barn
Was burned. The man then sold her to the butcher.
The new cow made more milk, but in a year
The new cow cut off her supply as well.
Now, who's the fool? Is it the man? The cows?

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